Sunday, September 2, 2007

Time to share wedding pictures!

Amy and I got back from our honeymoon last night! What a three weeks we've had, I think we're going to spend the next three weeks (months? decades?) trying to catch up with what happened.

The first step is to start sharing wedding pictures around. First up are the official photographs from Carl Walsh. There are 604 of them! And we love them all! You can go to this website just to browse through them. Or even buy them a la carte if you really feel like it.


As good as those are, it's so often the case that the best or at least most beloved photographs come from unpredictable sources. Darin's photographs, of course, which you've already seen, are totally great. But we've started to get some others in that we really love. My mom sent some nice photos in, CLICK HERE, and Jimmie sent us just a few that are really good, CLICK HERE.

If you have some photographs you don't mind sharing, either with the whole group or just with us, please add a comment or send them to us via email. We'd love to see them!