Friday, June 8, 2007

Seventy Days

That counter on our website kinda freaks me out. Every day there's one day less (and usually every time I check it feels like I've lost 5 or 6 days). I should be looking forward to it (and don't get me wrong, I am!), but in the everyday context it's one less day to get things done that need to get done.

We have a few more things to get done this weekend. A couple more friends from work have signed up for the wedding, and as soon as we have photos I'll introduce them to the gang. We haven't gotten many official RSVPs back but we have a pretty good sense by now of who else is coming that's not already up. Hopefully everybody! We shall see.

We met with Mayur last night to discuss the wedding ceremony for a bit. We're really happy to have him do it and he's paid us a huge compliment by the amount of work he's put into it already. Kudos Mayur!

Here's to the weekend!